Best News Story
3rd Place: Roger Alford, The Associated Press
Dangerous Dam
2nd Place: Jeffrey McMurray, The Associated Press
Police Chief Killed
1st Place: Brett Barrouquere, The Associated Press
Bardstown House Fire
Judges said: Although a routine story, the circumstance is tragic. This story uses strong quotes and good transtions to help readers feel the tragedy.
Continuing Coverage
Honorable Mention: Cary Stemle & Rick Redding, LEO Weekly
Library Tax Coverage
3rd Place: Jeffrey McMurray, The Associated Press
Comair Crash Coverage
2nd Place: Jennifer Oladipo, Louisville Eccentric Observer
Environmental beat: water coverage
1st Place: Joe Biesk, The Associated Press
Governor’s Race Coverage
Judges said: Three comprehensive stories showed that the reporter took the time to do shoe-leather work. Full background was included in each story, and the pieces followed the race and the results of the election, indicating following the issue through from start to finish with an eye on all the details.
Enterprise Reporting
Honorable Mention Cary Stemle, LEO Weekly
All you need is Love: Abbey Road Protester
3rd Place: Brett Barrouquere, The Associated Press
Lethal Injection
2nd Place: Katya Cengel, Louisville Courier-Journal
Cleansing Stream; Time of Confusion; Five of a kind makes a full house
1st Place: Laura Ungar, Louisville Courier-Journal
Cervical Cancer—India’s Scourge
Judges said: Excellent, in-depth package exposed international problem with local implications. Make you aware of the situation, empathize with the victims and cheer on the researchers. This is journalism that transcends platform.
Business Reporting
3rd Place Ed Green, Business First
Deutsche, Making Hay, Regulations
2nd Place: Bruce Schreiner, The Associated Press
Whiskey Barrels, Fathers & Sons, Houchens
1st Place: Brent Adams, Business First
GE, Dam Lucky, Driving Force
Judges said: Good to see beat reporting done well. Nuts and bolts approach, a bit too feature-oriented, but still lets community know what’s going on and important employers. Well packaged and planned.
Health Care Reporting
3rd Place: Ed Green, Business First
“Commitment to Cancer care,” “Breaking down a barrier,” and “Cutting the fat”
2nd Place: Darla Carter, Louisville Courier-Journal
“The Overlooked Thyroid,” “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” and “Check Mate”
1st Place: Laura Ungar, Louisville Courier-Journal
For a series of stories following a Louisville woman through cancer treatment
Judges said: This is an exceptional entry. Ungar knows a story when she sees one and, best of all, tells it well. Good reporting yields good anecdotes which are expertly written together.
Minority and Women’s Affairs Reporting
3rd Place: John R. Karman III, Business First
“She’s Game” and “Belle of the Boat”
2nd Place: Lucinda Marshall, LEO Weekly
1st Place: Scott Wade, LEO Weekly
Stolen Moments
Judges said: This teetered on the edge of being overwritten. Still, it told a good story about a group of otherwise invisible people. A good read.
Service Reporting
1st Place: Lisa Hornung, Velocity
“Chill Out,” “Put it Away,” and “Making the Grade”
Judges said: “Helpful consumer reporting, especially ‘Making the Grade’s look at Health Department restaurant ratings.”
Feature Writing
Honorable Mention: Joanna Richards, Velocity Weekly
3rd Place: Stephen George, LEO Weekly
“The Speed of Slow,” “Mr. Yarmuth Goes to Washington” and “Share the Road”
2nd Place: Terry Boyd, Business First
“Under its influence,” “So, you want to fall in love?” and “Unreality of his reality”
1st Place: Katya Cengel, Louisville Courier-Journal
“A New Life,” “Where is Levi?” and “Ministry”
Judges said: An observant reporter who knows how to pick the right subjects. These stories are good reads because Cengel uses her eye to guide her pen. Tight, interesting and enlightening. The story on the couple with Downs Syndrome was outstanding.
Editorial Cartoon
1st Place: Brian Orms, LEO Weekly
Liberal Dose
Judges said: “Although wordy and a little crowded, ‘Liberal Dose’ has a distinct Mad Magazine feel to it. Well drawn with a sharp point of view, the ‘toon delivers every time.”
Column Writing
2nd Place: Sarah Havens, LEO Weekly
From the column, “Bar Belle”: “Lick-slam-dunk,” “Holidays can be” and “My christmas list”
1st Place: Jim Welp, LEO Weekly
“Baby Need a New Governor,” “Becoming an American?” and “Bonds 101”
Judges said: A touch of cynicism, an inquisitve nature, a feel for the place and a nice turn of phrase (or six) makes this a clear winner. Welp aced every one of these and left me wanting more.
Sports Writing
3rd Place: Bill Doolittle, LEO Weekly
“Meet the new boss,” “Drawing Straws” and “Who says it’s a house”
2nd Place: Will Grave, The Associated Press
“Gray Grit,” “Orange Bowl” and “Gillipse Hired
1st Place: Ross Nethery, Business First
Cards’ Can Do Man
Judges said: “This is a first class personality profile about one of the city’s leading figures. Free of cliches but full of sports action and figures. This story gets to the heart of the matter and leaves readers smarter then when they started.”
Feature Photo
2nd Place: John Rott, Velocity Weekly
What I’m Into Portraits
1st Place: Ron Bath, Business First
“Aim to have fun,” “The sky’s the limit” and “Backstage pass”
Judges said: Technically stout, well-composed and imaginatively framed. These photos are a pleasure to view. Great play on nice stock, these pop like a dart in mid-air.
3rd Place: T.E. Lyons, LEO Weekly
Arcade Fire; Detroit Cobra; Steve Earle
2nd Place: Alan Abbott, LEO Weekly
Sweet Land; 28 weeks later; No end in sight
1st Place: Sherry Deatrick, LEO Weekly
Humana; Batch; Don Juan
Judges said: All three reviews stood above all others in this category. A good mix of plot and criticism topped by excellent observations. I felt like I was sitting next to Deatrick during the performances. Well done!
Headline Writing
2nd Place: Sarah Havens, Louisville Eccentric Observer
“Skater dye: ‘Decked Out’ exhibit features more than 100 decorated boards”
Judges said: Enjoyed the conversational nature of the 2nd sample. “Skater dye” works well for the intended audience.
1st Place: Thomas Nord, Velocity
“Dance, Dance, Evolution: How do you grow as artists while keeping your hard-core fans happy? That’s the question for VHS or Beta as it struggles to be more than a dance-punk fad.”
Judges said: This entry was a clear standout. The headline incorporates a play on words that actually works, and works for the audience as well as those who would listen to this band. Rather than go for kitsch and puns, the headline writer sought to get the meat of the story across after grabbing the reader, using varied language and conversational tone.
Graphic Illustration
Honorable Mention Gina Gentile-Moeller, LEO Weekly
“Share the Road” and “Through the Mess Darkly”
3rd Place: Britany Baker, LEO Weekly
“What me worry,” “Election Issue,” “Don’t Tread on Me”
2nd Place: Joe Welsh, LEO Weekly
“Not Good for Nothing”
1st Place: Kathleen Lolley, Velocity Weekly
“Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved”
Judges said: While not exactly “Gonzo,” this illustration works with the theme and the story. Original, interesting and very well done.
Page Design
Honorable Mention: Ben Schneider, LEO Weekly
3rd Place: Britany Baker, LEO Weekly
2nd Place: Tracy Oksendahl, Velocity Weekly
1st Place: Brian Gray, Velocity Weekly
Cover Packages
Judges said: Wonderful ability to create a theme and carry it through. That’s especially tough in tab format, but Gray mixes color, type and photos expertly to create a unique and pleasing look.
News Story
2nd Place: Rachael Tolliver, The Turret
“Iraqi Army chief”
1st Place: Glenn Rutherford, The Record
“Louisville’s new Archibishop is announced”
Judges said: Good quotes. Nice study of Archbishop’s writings.
Continuing Coverage
2nd Place: Tom Dekle, Brian Walker and Lisa Tolliver, The Kentucky Standard
“Deadly House Fire”
1st Place: Stephen Thomas, Mallory Bilger and Thomas Barr, The Pioneer News
“Brooks, Kentucky train derailment”
Judges said: Thorough and dimensional reporting on an event that impacted many residents – as well as the environment.
Enterprise Reporting
2nd Place: Marnie McAllister, The Record
“Vocation Series”
1st Place: John Foster, Oldham Era
“Getting Out”
Judges said: Extensive interviews with subject, family members and law enforcement. Continued observation and follow-up throughout subject’s time both behind bars and on parole. Skillful storytelling brings research together.
Business Reporting
2nd Place: Lorrie Kinkade, The Trimble Banner
“Cornish cattle” and “Edens Auto”
1st Place: Jay Cason, The Anderson News
“From Stringtown to the world,” “Hoofing it to Lawrenceburg” and “Break out your bobby sox,”
Judges said: We especially liked “From Stringtown to the world,” the tale of a unique entrepreneur who markets to the world. Good focus on business now depending on technology.
Health Care Reporting
2nd Place: Ashley Medley, The Voice-Tribune
“All in the Gene”
1st Place: Ruth Schenk, The Southeast Outlook
“Freddie’s Fight”
Judges said: “Schenks’ story about Freddie Bevins’ fight to live is a compelling argument for making blood cord transplants available to all.”
Minority/Women’s Affairs Reporting
2nd Place: Jay Cason, The Anderson News
“History and Passion and Celebrating Through Worship,” “Local diversity a work in progress” and “Chataqua brings local legend Clarke to Life”
1st Place: Marnie McAllister, The Record
“Mission in Pakistan” and “Iraqi Refugees”
Judges said: “Well-written story on Pakistani nuns who are doing God’s work as part of the Sisters of Loretta.”
Service Reporting
1st Place: Jacob Glassner, The Voice Tribune
“School of Rocks”
Judges said: “A gem of a consumer guide for buying a diamond.”
Feature Writing
3rd Place: Ruth Schenk, The Southeast Outlook
“Forgiving a Shooter”
2nd Place: Stephanie Hornback, The Kentucky Standard
“Aging Kelpie teaches young Collie a thing or two about sheep”
1st Place: Rachael Tolliver, The Turrett
“Teen’s quest for vets stories draws international interest”
Judges said: Refreshing spin on military history coverage. Good introduction to delayed lead. Public service giving historian’s contact info to readers.
Editorial Writing
Honorable Mention: Julie Satterly, The Oldham Era
“No H20?”
3rd Place: Jacquelyn Stoess Hack, The Oldham Era
“Cooperation is this season’s must have”
2nd Place: Laura Cullen Gusscock, The Kentucky Gazette
“In Defense of Rural Kentucky”
1st Place: Ron Filkins, The Kentucky Standard
“Court Decision Provokes Thought”
Judges said: The Supreme Court editorial was strong enough alone to carry the entry to the top. Well written, well argued.
Column Writing
3rd Place: Lindon Dodd, The Evening News
“Holding up his end,” “Secret’s out on secret pals,” and “No tears for cheerleaders”
2nd Place: Ron Filkins, The Kentucky Standard
“Two stalwart Publishers left strong legacy,” “Local city/county has the idea behind government” and “Race relations were top on Stephen Foster’s List”
1st Place: Lydelle Abbott, The Kentucky Standard
“Fantastical living leaves mark on reader’s heart,” “Saving the world: Not an impossible mission” and “Strikes, protests, moral integrity vs self-preservation”
Judges said: The writer effectively weds the personal perspective with larger, topical issues.
Sports Writing
3rd Place: Mickey Patterson, Oldham Era
“Theiss records his 20th”
2nd Place: Ruth Schenk, The Southeast Outlook
“Never Give Up”
1st Place: John Herndon, Anderson News
“Best of the Bearcats”
Judges said: The writer offers a seemingly effortless conversational style in this profile. His community knowledge stands out.
News Photography
Honorable Mention: Jenn Duncan, The Southeast Outlook
“Extreme Makeover”
3rd Place: Jacquelyn Stoess Hack, The Oldham Era
“Truck Rolls Into Peewee”
2nd Place: Kevin McGloshen, The (New Albany) Tribune
1st Place: Jacquelyn Stoess Hack, The Oldham Era
“Fire Damages Greenhouse”
Judges said: These are dramatic photos. Technically proficient, silhouettes work. Pictures tell the story.
Feature Photography
Honorable Mention: Jacquelyn Stoess Hack, The Oldham Era
“Show Me Your Poker Face”
3rd Place: John Foster, The Oldham Era
“Who We Are”
2nd Place: Kevin McGloshen, The (New Albany) Tribune
1st Place: Jenn Duncan, The Southeast Outlook
“The Face of Africa”
Judges said: A beautiful portrait. This photographer captures the moment with great skill. Well framed, sharp and lit perfectly to reflect the mood. This is a haunting photo that would be stunning in any publication.
Sports Photography
3rd Place: John Foster,
“Sweet but Short”
2nd Place: Kevin McGLoshen, The (New Albany) Tribune
1st Place: Peter W. Zubaty, The Kentucky Standard
“Just Out of Reach,” “ Buck Wild” and “Stanley Strong”
Judges said: Strong sports action shots that are well composed and sharp. Faces are clear and expressions are telling. Nice work.
Headline Writing
1st Place: Jacob Glassner, The Voice Tribune
“Cross Roads: Planted around town, roadside memorials are rooted in grief,” “Writes of passage,” and “Tenured track psychology”
Judges said: This headline immediately caught my interest. It is short and concise. Paired with a photo of a cross on the side of the highway, the reader already has an idea what they are in for.
Graphic Illustration
3rd Place: John Foster, The Oldham Era
“Who Are We?”
2nd Palce: Steve Haycraft, The Southeast Outlook
“70 Years of Marriage”
1st Place: Julie Satterly, The Oldham Era
“55,286 and Growing”
Judges said: A very clean look. Simple and easy to read. This looks top shelf. It works well in concept, typography and layout. Very nice work.
Page Design
3rd Place: Lydell Abbott, Kentucky Standard
“Final Descent,” “Fire and Ash” and “Finding History”
2nd Place: Julie Satterly, The Oldham Era
1st Place: Jacquelyn Stoess Hack, The Oldham Era
Judges said: Sharp design. Good layouts marked by storng and creative typography. Colors are complementary. Even though pages are very busy, they are easy to digest and a joy to see. These people [at the Oldham Era] know what they are doing.
Business Reporting
3rd Place: Tamera Huber, Louisville Magazine
“Management in Motion,” “Letter of the Law” and “Partners in Progress”
2nd Place: Joe Ward, Louisville Magazine
“Updater of the Downs”
1st Place: Josh Moss, Louisville Magazine
“Grande Master”
Judges said: Turns a potentially sleppy topic into an engaging insider take on what drives the subject of the profile.
Feature Writing
3rd Place: Thomson Smillie, Louisville Magazine
“Is There Life After 30?” and “ Sage of the Sax”
2nd Place: Coleman Larkin, Kentucky Monthly
“Something Tall and Bright: The life and work of Al Smith, Kentucky’s most engaging newsman”
1st Place: Josh Moss, Louisville Magazine
“A Night & Day Education and Stride for Stride with Big Red”
Judges said: “Delicately Written and Deftly reported with a keen eye for detail.”
Editorial Writing
1st Place: Bruce Allar, Louisville Magazine
“A Vote for Hope,” “One Bridge at a Time” and “A green turning”
Judges said: A City magazine that doesn’t shy from big thoughts and a robust argument.
1st Place: Marie Davis, Today’s Woman
Marie’s Creative Cartoons
Judges said: Fun and personal–with an informative angle
Column Writing
3rd Place: Connie Meyer, Kentucky Monthly
Connie’s Journey
2nd Place: Stephen M. Vest, Kentucky Monthly
Mamaw Memories, Trifecta of Foolishness and Political Pity Party
1st Place: Bruce Allar, Louisville Magazine
Sunset Clauses, Greek to Me and Ice Ages
Judges said: Smart, relevant–with some clever turns of phrase.
Sports Writing
2nd Place: Josh Moss, Louisville Magazine
Angel in the Front Court and The Next Golden Boy
1st Place: Claire Novak, Louisville Magazine
The Ecstasy and Agony of Edgar Prado
Judges said: A well-told tale–emotional, engaging, informative.
Feature Photo
Honorable Mention: Eric Williams, Sophisticated Living
Devil’s Elbow, Rejuvination and Pebble Beach/Ritz Carlton
3rd Place: Tim Conaway, Kentucky Homes & Garden
2nd Place: John Nation, Louisville Magazine
A Farm for all Seasons
1st Place: Josh Merideth, Sophisticated Living
Basa; A Weekend in the Country and Rhythm and Hues
Judges said: Good Variety of photogrpahy–nice lighting, good styling.
Photo Package
2nd Place: Tim Conaway, Kentucky Homes & Garden
Hearths for the Holidays; Distinctive Doors, Enticing Entryways and Stairs that make you Stare
1st Place: John Nation, Louisville Magazine
The Circuit
Judges said: Personal, instant sense of personality, interestign composition.
Service Reporting
3rd Place: Mary Welp, Louisville Magazine
Choosing Sides
2nd Place: Tamera Huber, Business First
Measuring Up
1st Place: Melanie Wolkoff Wachsman & Teena Hammond Gomez, Louisville Magazine
Supreme Salon and Spas
Judges said: Engaging and thorough, this package was eidted and written in a just-between-friends manner that made this entry stand well above the rest.
2nd Place: Melanie Wolkoff Wachsman, Louisville Magazine
Varanese Verve; Courtly Dining; Limestone
1st Place: Stephen Hacker, Louisville Magazine
State of the Plates, More Than Genuine, Off the Level
Judges said: “Unafraid to use first person as the sophisticated lense of his well-informed impressions of the dining scene.”
Minority/Women’s Affairs Reporting
2nd Place: Judith Berzof & Business First Correspondents, Business First
Business Women First
1st Place: Judith Berzof & Business First Correspondents, Business First
Diversity Works
Judges said: Useful and thorough in touching on many issues of diversity.
Health Care Reporting
Honorable Mention: Robyn Davis Sekula, Business First
The Fight Against Parkinsons
3rd Place: Tamera Huber, Business First
Tracking Down Solutions
2nd Place: Barbara Myerson Katz, Louisville Magazine
Not-so-good Old Days
1st Place: Joe Atkinson, Louisville Magazine
Choosen Hand
Judges said: Good storytelling and other writerly flourishes pushed this piece to the head of the pack. And even though the story had a measure of style , it didn’t skimp on the subject.
Criminal Justice Reporting
1st Place: Cameron Lawrence, Louisville Magazine
Drunk Driver Driven
Judges said: Timely. Well-reported. Good on-the-scene narrative adds depth and a compelling human element to all the sobering statistics and makes this piece a smooth read.
Education Reporting
2nd Place: Robyn Davis Sekula, Business First
Intern at Work
1st Place: Bruce Allar, Louisville Magazine
Spreading the Words
Judges said: This article takes on a newsworthy topic–a Jefferson County literary initiative–and addresses it through well-researched statistics and interviews with the experts. The writer added a nice human component by sitting in on several tutoring sessions, showing how the program impacts the students and volunteer teachers.
Graphic Illustration in Support of a Story
Honorable Mention: Silvia Cabib, Today’s Woman
Silvia’s Art
3rd Place: Lisa Rivard, Louisville Magazine
48-hour Derby
2nd Place: Cat Scott, Louisville Magazine
Dividing to Conquer
1st Place: Ed Steckley, Kentucky Monthly
Out-of-State Colleges
Judges said: Localized. Like the concept and immediately conveys the subject.
Page Design
Honorable Mention: Judith Berzof, Business First
Upscale Abodes, Mansion Refuge, Coloring your world
3rd Place: Kirsten Silven, Kentucky Homes & Garden
Elegant Lady
2nd Place: Brooke Trevitt, Louisville Magazine
A Span for its time & When Punk Rocked Louisville
1st Place: John Warth, Sophisticated Living
Gelato Gilberto, Contents, and Spyker Cars
Judges said: Clean Design–Great Photos add to the layout. Well thought out.
Cover Design
2nd Place: Brooke Trevitt, Louisville Magazine
1st Place: Eric Williams and John Wurth, Sophisticated Living
3 Covers from 2007
Judges said: Like the simplicity–what a luxury to not have to clutter a great photo with text.
Investigative Reporting
1st Place: Andy Alcock, WLKY
Louisville Projects
Spot News Reporting
2nd Place: Andy Alcocok and Sarah Gentry, WLKY
Clark County Tornado
1st Place: Bennett Haeberle, WDRB
Floyd County Deputies Shot
Judges said: A calm, clear presentation of a hectic scene. Good video. Haberle did a nice job of including new and developing information in the tag.
General News
3rd Place Andy Alcock, WLKY
Cemetary Complaints
2nd Place: Sarah Grote, Matt English and Julie Tam, WDRB
1st Place: Kate Cornell and Doug Pruschke, WLKY
Work Release Hit and Run
Feature Reporting
3rd Place: Andy Alcock, WLKY
106th Birthday
2nd Place: Eric Edwards and Candyce Clift, WDRB
Beads for Brother
1st Place: Matt English and Barry Bernson, WDRB
South Boston Oprey
Judges said: Great story with great visuals. This story had several nice moments and left the judges apping their toes along with the music.
Business Reporting
3rd Place: Steve Burgin and Greg Burress, WLKY
Wolf Creek Dam
2nd Place: Valerie Chinn and Dominik Fuhrmann, WDRB
Bee Keeper
1st Place: Andy Alcock, WLKY
Judges said: A well-scripted story that showed a side of foreclosures viewers do not usually see. Good use of what oculd have been poor visuls to make a creative stand-up showed how big the problem is.
Health Care Reporting
2nd Place: Andy Alcock, WLKY
Trans Fat Ban
1st Place: Bennett Haeberle and Sarah Grote, WDRB
Oakwood: Systemic Troubles?
Judges said: A compelling story to demonstrate the problems of abuse and neglect at one facility.
Minority/Women Affairs Reporting
1st Place: Andy Alcock, WLKY
SCOTUS Desegregation Ruling
Judges said: Andy Alcock clearly explained a very complicated and emotionally charged issue. He also gave viewers enough history to more fully understand the courts decision and what it means for local schools. Well-writrren story.
Sports Reporting
1st Place: Andy Alcock, WLKY
Cards NCAA Baseball
Judges said: A well-told story with very memorable characters. Several unexpected moments of humor.
General News Photography
1st Place: Dominik Fuhrmann, WDRB
Soldier’s Funeral
Judges said: Dominik Fuhrmann captured the emotions of the people at this funeral in a respectful way that conveyed the grief to viewers.
Feature Photography
2nd Place: David White, WDRB
GI Joe Medic
1st Place: Dominik Fuhrmann, WDRB
Composite of three
No judge’s comments
Sports Photography
2nd Place: Dominik Fuhrmann, WDRB
Composite of 3
1st Place: Matt English, WDRB
Judges said: An exceleent piece. Good sound, creative shots and sharp editing made this report. It moved quickly and was very enjoyable.
Best Website
2nd Place: WFPL Staff, WFPL for www.wfpl.prg
1st Place: Dave Daley, Tom Nord, Tracy Oksendahl, Jason Graff, Javacia Harris, Joanna Richards, Joe Lord, Brian Gray, Lisa Hornung, John Rott, Josh Thomas, Velocity for
Judges said: Love this site. Loads fast, it’s easy to move around in it and I can find things without a lot of effort. Nice harmony between ads and content. Very stylish, up-to-date and fun.
Breaking News
3rd Place: Ed Green and John Karman, Business First
Zirmed to anchor new tower; TIF district could raise $300 million for UofL; Mail order pharmacy considering Louisville area
2nd Place: Brent Adams, Business First
Ford Receives Approval for State Incentives
1st Place: John Karman, Business First
Todd Blue Plans $50 Million Retail, Office Project
Judges said: Clearly real estate is a priority at Business First. That’s most evident in Karmen’s deep story broken two days before the official annoucnement. Obviously Karman and cohorts work their services.
Best Video
1st Place: John Wurth, Eric Williams, Josh Merideth, Bridget Williams, Dave Bibelhauser, Carrie King, Jack Mathis and Claire Williams for Sophisticated Living
A Weekend in the Country
Judges said: A fun photo shoot within a photo shoot. Great feel, gorgeous setting and a nice complement to the actual magazine spread. Very cool.
Best Blog
1st Place: Lisa Hornung, Velocity
Judges said: An online journal of all things Hornung–especially food. Homey, not provocative, a nice slice of life.
News Story
Honorable Mention: Sashsheena Stewart, The View (Lindsey Wilson College)
International Students…Living in America
3rd Place: Corey Paul, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
Inside the Injury
2nd Place: Greg Dassell, The Horizon (Indiana University Southeast)
Game Room Expansion Continues
1st Place: Katie Brandenburg, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
Hughes Retures Amid Harassment Claims
Judges said: Writer conveys the immediacy of the story through a keen attention to detail; communicating timeline of events clearly; and evident use of multiple sources of information.
Feature Story
Honorable Mention: Corey Paul, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
Ransdell, Master of Topper and Spirit
3rd Place: Heather Ryan, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
The Spirit Makes the Brewmaster
2nd Place: Ben Richardson, The View (Lindsey Wilson College)
Westland Wildlife
1st Place: Sarah Wright, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
The Power of Voice
Judges said: Engaging lede. Deftly combines scene, information, and facts providing opportunities for readers to plug-in to related events. Strong choices in language and structure.
Sports Story
Honorable Mention: Andrew Robinson, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
Talk of the Tube
3rd Place: Chris Acree, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
Fresh Success
2nd Place: Eric McGuffin, The Horizon (Indiana University Southeast)
Fall Basketball Preview
1st Place: David Harten, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
Spreading Out
Judges said: Attention-getting lede. Clear explanation of team’s new strategy and its importance.
Best Editorial
Honorable Mention: Kat Wilson, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
Always Ask Why
3rd Place: John Wright, The View (Lindsey Wilson College)
Kentucky Execution: The Politics of Death
2nd Place: Will Ploch, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
Keep the Student Regent Seat Warm
1st Place: Caroline Bryan, The Horizon (Indiana University Southeast)
Soldiers Need Our Support
Judges said: A brave-hearted eulogy that is powerfullt relevant. A first class effort that was far better than most pro entries.
News Photo
Honorable Mention: Jake Stevens, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
3rd Place: Bryan Anslem, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
Braving the Blaze
2nd Place: Nathan Morgan, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
Man Critical
1st Place: Kyle O’Donnell, The Horizon (Indiana University Southeast)
Judges said: This story tells a full story within one shot. Great job capturing the actions and reactions.
Feature Photo
3rd Place: Courtney Hergesheimer, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
2nd Place: Jenny Kane, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
Appalachian Cultural Project
1st Place: Daniel Houghton, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
Free Fallin’
Judges said: Great focus. Nice composition and color.
Sports Photography
3rd Place: Lori Richie, The Horizon (Indiana University Southeast)
Pitch Series-3
2nd Place: Daniel Houghton, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
Colonel Cutdown
1st Place: Scott McIntyre, College Heights Herald (Western Kentucky University)
One Last Lap
Judges said: Captures multiple parts of the story. Lots of detail that adds to the power of the photo.
Radio Division
Investigative Reporting
2nd Place: Kristin Espeland, WFPL
Stream Buffer Zones
1st Place: Stephanie Sanders, WFPL
Library Tax Proposal
Spot News Reporting
1st Place: WFPL Staff, WFPL
“Supreme Court Strikes Down Student Assignment Plan”
Judges said: Well written and reported. A good story done in a short period of time.
General News
2nd Place: Heidi Caravan, Rick Howlett and Stephanie Sanders, WFPL
Louisville Library Tax
1st Place: Tony McVeigh, WFPL
Kentucky Governor’s Race
Judges said: I liked the personal touch in this story. I felt like I got to know the man and not just the candidate. A good use of natural sound as well.
Feature Reporting
1st Place: Stephanie Sanders, WFPL
“Belle of Louisville Capt. Mark Doty”
Judges said: Wonderful natural sound and good writing.
Business Reporting
1st Place: Julie Kredens, Laura Ellis and Robin Fisher, WFPL
Retail Psychology
Judges said: A well-done story about business that made the business interesting to the lay person.
Health Care Reporting
2nd Place: Tony McVeigh, WFPL
Cancer Survivors
1st Place: Julie Kredens, Laura Ellis and Robin Fisher, WFPL
State of Affairs: Health Equity
Judges said: Great piece!
Minority/Women’s Affairs Reporting
2nd Place: Tony McVeigh, WFPL
“King Paved the Way”
1st Place: Julie Kredens, Laura Ellis and Robin Fisher, WFPL
“Men Preventing Violence Against Women”
Judges said: Excellent work!
Sports Reporting
1st Place: Rick Howlett, WFPL
Denny Crum Court
Judges said: Very Nice!
Public Affairs Program
1st Place: Julie Kredens, Laura Ellis and Robin Fisher, WFPL
Sexualzation of Girls
Judges said: Great topic. Well done program.
Radio Documentary
2nd Place: Stephanie Sanders, WFPL
Library Tax Proposal
1st Place: Elizabeth Kramer, WFPL
“Evangelical Church with Hipster Credentials Grows in Germantown”
Judges said: This documentary gives the listener a real feeling of what it is like to be part of this unusual church. It made me think about the role of a church in the modern world. And I don’t hear a lot of really interesting religion stories, but this was one of them! Liked it a lot.
1st Place: Stan Cook, Susan Sweeney Crum and WFPL Staff, WFPL
December 6, 2007, 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. newscasts
Judges said: This was simply a very well done newscast with lots of sound and the sound was used in the right way. The newscasters were very good as well.
Series Reporting
2nd Place: Stephanie Sanders, WFPL
Metro Council
1st Place: Kristen Espeland, WFPL
Air Pollution in Louisville
Judges said: I liked the way the reporter described and explained the air pollution problem, why it happened and how it might be addressed. Good natural sound as well. Series are hard to do well, and this was a good one!